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BSC ServicesLaser AlignmentServices


Unbalanced fans, pumps and rotors place undue stresses and additional loads on bearings, motors and couplings substantially reducing component service life, and potentially causing a catastrophic failure which can damage surrounding equipment and harm employees. Often after major mechanical work on this type of equipment, re-balancing combined with alignment are required to ensure optimum operating efficiency. Onsite dynamic and static balancing is a service customers are requiring more frequently.

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Laser Alignment

Mis-alignment in mechanical systems such as motor/pump assemblies is a major factor in increased wear and premature failures. Using traditional alignment techniques incorporating straight edges and dial indicators are extremely time consuming, subject to methodology errors, and physical limitations. Laser alignment techniques are both fast and accurate and reduce the potential for human error. Aligned equipment runs more smoothly, quietly and substantially increases component service life. Modern laser alignment systems are extremely accurate and easy to use with clear colour screens, step-by-step instructions, and colour pictorial displays.

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Laser Alignment

Mis-alignment in mechanical systems such as motor/pump assemblies is a major factor in increased wear and premature failures.

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